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Data Controllers Control More Than You Know.

CC-by-sa & literature
CC-by-sa & literature
CC-by-sa & literature

Data Controllers Control More Than You Know.
Millennials who don’t care about privacy of data.

The EU has recently passed a law protecting the data of European citizen personal data online. One in which is the Right to Transparency. How transparent are big company sites being with users? Are they truly making it as accessible as they can? Do users even care to look? How much do data controllers control?

In this day in age, Millennials don’t care that much about putting their personal data online. They grew up with “I agree to Terms and Condition” boxes, with websites promising to keep data private. It’s what is expected, it’s what most people expected. Without checking that little box, we wouldn’t have Facebook, we wouldn’t have Google Accounts, even offices require you to have an email or form of social media to stay in the loop. In the Digital Age, it’s a necessity. But what do the big guys do with this info? There has always been a mistrust or suspicion of our own government, how much do they trust the people.

Ever since (and before) Edward Snowden leaked information in 2013 about the National Security Association was surveillance on American people’s daily lives, things have never felt the same. American phone companies like Verizon, were giving personal data to NSA. When Snowden released this information, it was in the process of the the EU General Data Protection Regulation bill was being pushed through. This including the Rights to Information and Transparency, forcing any companies gaining personal information from users, they would have to be transparent about how the data is being used. This meant any American or foreign country wanting to let EU users onto their site had to obey this new law. Would the NSA comply?

The trust has been broken. How can the people trust the companies with our data? How can you know? Can the companies make the “I agree…” boxes worth reading or less complicated? If it was written out in simple phrases that the average person feels they have the time to read and agree to, why can’t this be applied? Is the reason that the “Terms and Conditions” so complicated because the companies have something to hide? What is really being done with our data and why aren’t they being transparent?

These posters are an innovative way to get people motivated to stay conscious about their personal data online. The mock text box asking, do you want to sell your informations so they can make profit? In quotes is, What They Don’t Know Won’t Hurt Them, and the last poster “Are you sure it’s only on Facebook?” - all suggesting the secrecy and greed in the system of data controllers online. The posters are meant to make the viewer think, make them remember to be aware that not everyone who says they’ll “protect” your information will do so.


Naomi Chan, Eef Voeten, Josha López

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