Weblog von dilemma

Data Controllers Control More Than You Know

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Millennials who don’t care about privacy of data.

The EU has recently passed a law protecting the data of European citizen personal data online. One in which is the Right to Transparency. How transparent are big company sites being with users? Are they truly making it as accessible as they can? Do users even care to look? How much do data controllers control?

How Would You Like To Be Skinned?

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Every year tens and thousands of animals are being killed just for their hide all of this is just for the fashion world.  It is believed that these animals that are being killed for their hide are not being fairly treated, some has been skinned alive and some has been killed gruesomely. Did you know that to make one fur coat you must kill at least fifty-five wild mink?


Whistleblowing: Wanna be a Hero?

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Who’s the hero? President Barack Obama or Edward Snowden? A short brainstorm. Image if someone you don’t know have a list of all your phone calls inclusive duration and frequency, maybe also the GPS position when you were calling someone, a summary of all your messages you wrote, all the timestamps you used any social media network or even have access to the microphone or camera of your smartphone at night? Isn’t it frightening? Isn’t it alarming that this is reality?



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