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Mikroplastik in den Weltmeeren

CC-by-sa & human

Eines der größten ökologischen Probleme und Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts stellt die Verschmutzung der Ozeane durch Plastik Abfall dar. Der Müll verursacht nicht nur den Tod von etlichen Meereslebewesen wie Meeressäugern, Schildkröten und Fischen sondern gelangt in Form von Mikroplastik auch sehr einfach in die menschliche Nahrungskette. Zwischen siebzig und achzig Prozent des Kunststoffs in den Meeren kommen


Wasser ist kein Menschenrecht!


Blogbeitrag im Zuge der Vorlesung Humanökologie (Autorin: Elisabeth Summer)

Wenn ich nicht arbeite, dann reise ich… und am liebsten nach Asien! :)

Mal für dreieinhalb Wochen im Vietnam, über einen Monat in Myanmar oder auch nur kurz für 2 Wochen in Nepal oder Thailand, durfte ich die schönen Flecken der Erde entdecken. Es gab nicht vieles das ich bei meinen Reisen vermisste…
…in ruhigen Zeiten meine Familie
…bei spannenden Erlebnissen meine Freunde
…in unruhigen Nächten mein eigenes Bett


Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things

CC-by-sa & literature

The documentary is about how might your life be better with less. In the documentary, the two main characters Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus (the minimalists). The movie follows Joshua and Ryan as they crossed the country a couple years ago promoting their book “All That Remains.” In between the trip there are interviews with the two men about how they went from stressed out, consumer-crazed corporate businessmen to hug giving minimalists who live only of the important things and don’t consume too much.


Sinkhole in Bregenz

CC-by-sa & dilemma

Sinkhole in Bregenz!

Due to a sinkhole 2 dogs died.

Sinkhole caused by ÖMV kills 2 dogs.

Due to a fault caused by ÖMV a sinkhole appeared just outside the center of Bregenz. During that time a man was walking his 2 dogs and they both fell in the sinkhole.

Herman: “I’m furious at ÖMV because those assholes knew that this was coming and did nothing about it. The death of my 2 sweet dogs is their fault!”


Plastic Paradise

The 20th century was shaped by a new world of cheap, convenient and disposable products. The lead, takes certainly the material called plastic. Scientists invented it and presented it as a perfect creation, because its indestructible. Particularly, it served the American army in the world war 2, when 85% of the plastic production was made for the military.

Nowadays you are often confronted with terms like “plastic islands” in the ocean. Nobody knows how they look like nor where they are – but does this problem even exist?



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