
Inhalt getaggt mit Politik (Seite 9)

Taste the Waste

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Stating that all the food thrown away in North America and Europe could feed all the hungry people in the world three times over, “Taste the Waste” is a documentary written and directed by Valentin Thurn with cinematography by Roland Breitschuh. In an hour and a half the documentary - released in 2010 - shines a light on the shocking amount of food that globally goes to waste and some innovative ideas on how to make usage of this.


ISO 26000 Standard - Social responsibility

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an organization that develops voluntary International Standards. Since 1947 they published more than 19500 International Standards. These standards give state of the art specifications for products, services and good practice. And they are covering almost all aspects of technology and business.


Are you aware of ethics in consumption and marketing!

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Ever wondered about how ethics play a role in your product or service consumption? Or how marketing ethics plays a role in making decisions in your product and service consumption, then keep on reading.

“Blog review about ‘The A to Y of corporate social responsibility. By Wayne Visser, Dirk Matten, Manfred Pohl and Nick Tolhurst.‘

I read the book ‘The A to Z of corporate social responsibilty‘ from this book I chose two chapters. Marketing Ethics  by Philip Kotler (321) Ethical Consumption by John Sabapaty (195-198)


Economic Gangsters

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

„Economic Gangsters“ - Korruption und Kriminalität in der Weltwirtschaft, ist ein 2008 erschienenes Werk von den Autoren Raymond Fishman und Edward Miguel. Fishman ist Professor für Social Enterprise und unterrichtet an der Columbia Business School, Miguel Ökonom an der University of California. Ihre Forschungen konzentrieren sich seit Jahren intensiv auf korrupte Wirtschaft und Entwicklungspolitik.


Medienethik und Verantwortung

Ethische Verantwortung von Medienschaffenden und Medienkonsumenten

Von Verantwortung und Schuld, Zensur und Medienethik schreibt PD Dr. Marcus Stiglegger in seinem wissenschaftlichen Artikel – „Mitschuld-Mitverantwortung? Problemfelder der Medienethik“. Die darin behandelten Themen waren Inhalt seines Vortrags an der Fachhochschule für Mediengestaltung in Mainz im Juni 2008. In der Datenbank für elektronische Dokumente der Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main wurde der Artikel erstmals online am 18. Jänner 2010 veröffentlicht.



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