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The media that consumes us!
An article about media advertisment with an focus on the chicken industrie.
The media world is getting bigger and bigger how can we as a person keep our head clear about what is fair media? How can we keep researching and defining what is the right media for us? How long can we survive till the media consumes us? Lays the problem with the companies that deliver unfair media or is it our choice to let our lifes be affected by the media?
A lot of times the problem lays with us. We don’t look beyond what we see, and don’t look at what’s really happening. One example is when we walk through the supermarket, we want to eat rice with chicken tonight. We see an action package, a kilo of chicken for only 4 euro. You are happy that you could succeed so cheap. But nobody is telling you what the chicken went through to become your dinner tonight. The only thing you see is a skinned chicken that looks exactly the same as all the other chickens that are double the price.
“Animal welfare is a sensitive point, especially for the pigs and chickens. Most of the times biologic is seen as the most durable. This is concerning the raw materials and greenhouse gas emissions per kilo of the product totally wrong”, says Aalt Dijkhuizen from the Wageningen University. Because it is true that they have more space but they grow slower and produce less. Because of this we need more ground and raw materials. Because of this it’s for the farmer and the consumer a hard choice to make. They need to choose between a better life for the animals or less greenhouse gasses. The choice layes therefore totally at the side of the consumer.
Concerning the chicken who lives with the farmer. They sell the chicken in the supermarket like every other chicken. It is important that you know the difference in living situation of every chicken before you make the choice to buy the cheepest chicken. We are excually not even eating a chicken but a chick. Within 6 weeks the chick is fattened from 40 grams to 2300 grams. A normal chick could be called a chicken after 18 weeks. Because they grow so fast the legs of the chick are still small and can’t carry the weight of their body, so a quarter of the chicks can’t stand on their own legs. They “stand” their whole life with their small legs in their own poop. They share one square meter with 20 other chicks. 94% of the chicks in the netherlands are treated like this. When they reached the slaugther age they are numbed by an electric shock against their head.
It is important that we as consumer of the media see what is really happening. We should constantly ask our selves the question if it is true what we see and read. We need to look beyond the images the media shows us, before they consume us. Give yourself to choice to choose what we think is important and don’t let the media decide for us. This doesn’t only count for the animals that have a bad living condition but for everything you see in the media like clothing and even chocolate.