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CC-by-sa ethify.org & literature

The author has different take on the values represented in our society. In the book, the author has written about a lot of theories. According to the Divine Command Theory, the resolution of the dilemmas is based upon religious beliefs. Ethical dilemmas are resolved according to tenets of faith, such as the Ten Commandments for the Jewish and  Christian faiths. Central to this theory is that decisions in ethical dilemmas are made on the basis of guidance from a divine being.


Importance of morality

CC-by-sa ethify.org & literature

Summary of chapter 'Individual morality in organisations' from ',Managing Values and Beliefs in Organisations' by Tom McEwan

The summarised chapter can be divided into 2 main parts. First one study the influence of morality on the ethical studies. Second one show how great is the influence of moralities, and gives us examples of problems, as a result of them.


Einführung in die Wirtschaftsethik

Einführung in die Wirtschaftsethik
von Karl Homann und Christoph Lütge

In den ersten 2 Kapiteln beschreiben Homann und Lütge in ihrem Buch die wichtigsten Begriffe und Theorietypen der Ethik. Danach folgt ein Kapitel, welches über ein zweifaches Verständnis von Wirtschaftsethik, sowie deren Abhängigkeit zu einem zweifachen Verständnis der Ökonomik skizziert und das präferierte hervorhebt. In den letzten Kapiteln werden theoretische Optionen skizziert, die der Wirtschaftsethik zur Klärung des Problems von Marktwirtschaft und Ethik offen stehen.



CC-by-sa ethify.org & literature

Český sen / Czech dream


Czech Dream is the Czech documentary film, which premiered in February 2004.
The feature film about the preparation of an advertising campaign and opening hypermarket, which did not really exist.


Wem gehört das Wasser

CC-by-sa ethify.org & rasos

The documentation “Wem gehört das Wasser” telecasted by the WDR discusses the handling and distribution of the water resources on earth. The documentation considers how the company Nestlé operates in different countries. Nestlé was chosen due to its global dimensions and is standing representative for many other big companies. In the selected countries, either the access of the population on drinking water is limited for example in Africa or there is a negative influence on the nature. In both cases it is also considered if the auctions are legal or against the law.



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