
Content tagged with "Erwerb" (Page 6)

To do or not to do, that is the question!

CC-by-sa & dilemma

In our time the competition in the business is very strong. There are many different companies and a wide variety of products to choose from. In order to secure a safe place in the market, companies use different paths and diverse sale strategies. The companies often manipulate buyers. The illumination system is often used to make the products more attractive and colorful. This is particularly common in more expensive shops. The main types of lighting used in boutiques are: general illumination, accent illumination and decorative illumination.


The price of progress

CC-by-sa & dilemma

The price of progress

By Claudia Schett

Where the natural resources for our mobile phones come from

The market for electronic goods boomed during the last decades with no end in sight. Especially the trade with mobile phones exploded. In order to produce those metals like copper, gold and silver are needed. But where do the more rare resources like coltan come from? Under which circumstances are they extracted? How has the situation changed?


Wherefrom do I get my food?

CC-by-sa & dilemma

Buy salad in a discounter or at the farmer?



The food prices are very cheap in Germany, in the EU  Germany is on the tenth place.  Altogether the  level of prices was 1,8 percent above the average of 27 countries of the EU.  Amongst others you can buy lettuce already for 9 cent per piece.  So where do I get my salad from? 


nut graf:


Taste the Waste

CC-by-sa & dilemma

Stating that all the food thrown away in North America and Europe could feed all the hungry people in the world three times over, “Taste the Waste” is a documentary written and directed by Valentin Thurn with cinematography by Roland Breitschuh. In an hour and a half the documentary - released in 2010 - shines a light on the shocking amount of food that globally goes to waste and some innovative ideas on how to make usage of this.


Über Zahlen und Religionen

Bei diesem Eintrag handelt es sich um eine Zusammenfassung der ersten beiden Kapiteln aus dem Buch Ethify Yourself 2.0 von Roland Alton und Thomas Barth.


Bei dem Kapitel Vermessen dreht sich alles um die Welt der Zahlen.
Zu Beginn wird darauf hingewiesen, wie oft wirtschaftliche Leistungen mit Zahlen gemessen werden und das es egal scheint, wie diese Zahlen entstehen. Als Beispiel wir das Bruttoinlandsprodukt angeführt, bei dem aufgezeigt wird, dass es nur wichtig ist, dass die Zahlen steigen.



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