CC-by-sa & literature

Light Produkte – ihre Inhaltststoffe und Wirkung

Was steckt wirklich in Light-Produkten? Was bedeutet es überhaupt, wenn ein Produkt als „light“ gekennzeichnet ist? Bedeutet „light“ leichte und gut verdauliche Nahrung?

Light-Produkte versprechen Genuss ohne Reue. Bei genauerer Betrachtung stellt sich aber heraus, dass es sich um eine Marketingstrategie handelt. Light-Produkte sind Imitate des Orignals, bei dem ein oder mehrere Bestandteile ersetzt werden.


Whistleblowing: Wanna be a Hero?

CC-by-sa & dilemma

Who’s the hero? President Barack Obama or Edward Snowden? A short brainstorm. Image if someone you don’t know have a list of all your phone calls inclusive duration and frequency, maybe also the GPS position when you were calling someone, a summary of all your messages you wrote, all the timestamps you used any social media network or even have access to the microphone or camera of your smartphone at night? Isn’t it frightening? Isn’t it alarming that this is reality?


Coca Cola – open calories

CC-by-sa & Anja Fontain

Macht man sich wirklich Freude auf?

Welche Werbung kann man heut zu tage noch glauben? In der Konsumgesellschaft von heute spielt die Werbung eine große Rolle. Es werden alle Register gezogen, um neue Kunden zu gewinnen.

Coca Cola ist ein weltbekannter Konzern, der mit seinem kohlensäurehaltigen Erfrischungsgetränk die ganze Welt erobert hat.  Es ist die wohl bekannteste Cola-Marke der Coca- Cola Company. Der Coca-Cola-Schriftzug ist ein weltweit bekanntes Markenzeichen.


High Fructose Corn Syrup

CC-by-sa & literature

The United States is among the world’s largest sugar producers. Sugar production increased when the U.S cut ties with Cuba in the 60’s, and stopped importing sugar from them. Even more sugar began being produced since government farm subsidies were introduced in the 90’s. Since then the production of the cheap sugar alternative high fructose corn syrup has increased and started making way into more and more American foods. HFCS increased from 2.2 million tons in 1980 to an average 9.2 million tons in the 2000s. Demand for HFCS is driven by demand for products that use the syrups as inputs.


Testing cosmetics on animals.

CC-by-sa & dilemma

Testing cosmetics on animals.

Almost everyone uses cosmetics. Some use it everyday; others only use cosmetics for special occasions. But in general, we want to look healthy and beautiful.
There are a lot of different types of cosmetics: creams, lotions, powders, perfumes lipsticks, nail polish, eye and facial makeup and many other types of products. Everyday more cosmetics are made. We can choose between hundreds of different colours of foundation to find the one that looks best with our skin tone, and there are more than a thousand different lipstick colours.


Mass production of chickens

CC-by-sa & dilemma

The media that consumes us!

An article about media advertisment with an focus on the chicken industrie.

The media world is getting bigger and bigger how can we as a person keep our head clear about what is fair media? How can we keep researching and defining what is the right media for us? How long can we survive till the media consumes us? Lays the problem with the companies that deliver unfair media or is it our choice to let our lifes be affected by the media?


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