A Piece of Home


Throughout the world we can see different cultures coming together in one place, this is called cultural diversity. Inside this cultural diversity, there is one element that is very important and well known by everyone, its called food.
Food is a part of our daily life, since the morning when we wake up and have breakfast until night when we gather around the kitchen table and have dinner.

Each culture has its own traditional food and there own ways to prepare these delightful dishes. We as a group of exchange students coming from different countries, gathered together to try food from other countries and spend time knowing the different cultures.

This project started with one lunch gathering, each one bringing our own food, but we ate lunch together. From there the idea was created, a weekly dinner cooked by us. Each week we chose one country and the people from that country should cook dinner and dessert for the whole group.

After several dinners, we realized that some of the recipes had similar ingredients so we decided to create a recipe booklet to write down all the recipes for future dinners in our home countries. This is how we started the campaign ‘’A Piece of Home’’. This campaign involves several printed booklets classified by the main ingredients, on one side contains several recipes from different countries and on the other side a brief text either from the person who cooked that dish or the guest who tried it.

The main goal of this booklet is to bring people together to cook and try food from different countries; the same way we did while creating these booklets.


‘’A Piece of Home’’

Antonio Sanchez Paoli
Andrea Gomez
Greta Garcia
Isabel Schmidt 

Note: some of the images where downloaded from shutterstock.
