
Content tagged with "Politik" (Page 8)

Wherefrom do I get my food?

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Buy salad in a discounter or at the farmer?



The food prices are very cheap in Germany, in the EU  Germany is on the tenth place.  Altogether the  level of prices was 1,8 percent above the average of 27 countries of the EU.  Amongst others you can buy lettuce already for 9 cent per piece.  So where do I get my salad from? 


nut graf:


RFID Chips

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma


We know where you are. Every Day.

Introduction/ Questions

How is an RFID chip working? Where are RFID chips integrated? Why is the government affecting a citizens privacy so much? Is everyone automatically a criminal, or why should the state save all the locations? All the stores we visit, what products people buy (and so on)?

Nut Graph


Umweltbildungspreis für Ethify Yourself

CC-by-sa ethify.org & rasos

Was ist in der Werbung erlaubt? Wie können Unternehmen etwas gegen den Klimawandel tun? Nach welchen Werten wollen wir leben? "Fragen, die in den Fächern Medienethik oder Wirtschaftethik behandelt werden, benötigen aktuelle Bezüge und eine Didaktik mit Praxisbezug" ist Dr. Roland Alton, Hochschullehrer an der FH Vorarlberg, überzeugt. Mit diesem Ansatz gewinnt er den Sustainability Award 2014 im Handlungsfeld Kommunikation und Entscheidungsfindung.


Inside Job - Documentary 2010

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Hey Leute, 

Media Ethics

Guy Bruggemann



Summary of the documentary ‘Inside Job’.


Inside Job (2010)


Inside jobs tells the story off the financial crisis in the 00’s . It’s a documentary wich won many prices at filmfestivals. The documentary shows the corrupcy from banking systems mostly in the US. It shows as well the effects what this corrupt system has on society.




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