literature's blog

How do civilians in the Digital Age rise up to make change?

CC-by-sa & literature

We Are Legion is about a group of hacktivists called "Anonymous". A new term combining "hacker" + "activism". This group grew from users labeling Themselves Anonymous on 4chan is a site where you can post anything possible - anonymously. Through this site and other sites like it, a community of people FORMED. There is no leader, There is no one group "in charge" of the rest.


How do civilians in the Digital Age rise up to make change?

CC-by-sa & literature

We Are Legion is about a group of hacktivists called "Anonymous". A new term combining "hacker" + "activism". This group grew from users labeling Themselves Anonymous on 4chan is a site where you can post anything possible - anonymously. Through this site and other sites like it, a community of people FORMED. There is no leader, There is no one group "in charge" of the rest.



CC-by-sa & literature

Light Produkte – ihre Inhaltststoffe und Wirkung

Was steckt wirklich in Light-Produkten? Was bedeutet es überhaupt, wenn ein Produkt als „light“ gekennzeichnet ist? Bedeutet „light“ leichte und gut verdauliche Nahrung?

Light-Produkte versprechen Genuss ohne Reue. Bei genauerer Betrachtung stellt sich aber heraus, dass es sich um eine Marketingstrategie handelt. Light-Produkte sind Imitate des Orignals, bei dem ein oder mehrere Bestandteile ersetzt werden.


Coca Cola – open calories

CC-by-sa & Anja Fontain

Macht man sich wirklich Freude auf?

Welche Werbung kann man heut zu tage noch glauben? In der Konsumgesellschaft von heute spielt die Werbung eine große Rolle. Es werden alle Register gezogen, um neue Kunden zu gewinnen.

Coca Cola ist ein weltbekannter Konzern, der mit seinem kohlensäurehaltigen Erfrischungsgetränk die ganze Welt erobert hat.  Es ist die wohl bekannteste Cola-Marke der Coca- Cola Company. Der Coca-Cola-Schriftzug ist ein weltweit bekanntes Markenzeichen.


High Fructose Corn Syrup

CC-by-sa & literature

The United States is among the world’s largest sugar producers. Sugar production increased when the U.S cut ties with Cuba in the 60’s, and stopped importing sugar from them. Even more sugar began being produced since government farm subsidies were introduced in the 90’s. Since then the production of the cheap sugar alternative high fructose corn syrup has increased and started making way into more and more American foods. HFCS increased from 2.2 million tons in 1980 to an average 9.2 million tons in the 2000s. Demand for HFCS is driven by demand for products that use the syrups as inputs.


Book review: Stephen Ward on Global Media Ethics: Problems and Perspectives

CC-by-sa & literature

Global media ethics is about the responsibilities of news media that is now global. Compared to traditional ethics, global media ethics are ment to strech over borders and cultures to provide a world-wide guidelines in a world where social media and the internet in general has forced us to rework the rules. With social media and the internet everyone can become a home-grown journalist and publish Facebook, Twitter and blogs. For traditional journalism internet has given access to almost unlimited amount of fast growing information.



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