
Content tagged with "Journalismus"

Book review: Stephen Ward on Global Media Ethics: Problems and Perspectives

CC-by-sa & literature

Global media ethics is about the responsibilities of news media that is now global. Compared to traditional ethics, global media ethics are ment to strech over borders and cultures to provide a world-wide guidelines in a world where social media and the internet in general has forced us to rework the rules. With social media and the internet everyone can become a home-grown journalist and publish Facebook, Twitter and blogs. For traditional journalism internet has given access to almost unlimited amount of fast growing information.


Living ethics across media platforms by Michael Bugeja

Living Ethics Across Media Platforms (2008) by Journalism and Communication professor/director Michael Bugeja provides insight into the ethics that ‘collapse and transcend’ the precincts of varying mass media platforms such as advertising, photojournalism and television.

Furthermore this bookfeatures:


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