literature's blog

A Place at the Table: Moral conflicts surrounding hunger in America

CC-by-sa & literature

A Place at the Table is a documentary that follows the lives of several Americans as they struggle with food insecurity. The topic of hunger in the United States has been lingering since the late 1950s. However, the amount of people who go hungry or who have food insecurity (i.e. do not know where their next meal will come from) has drastically risen each year, mostly affecting children, single parents, and the elderly. In 2012, 50 million Americans were food insecure.

Bowling for Collumbine

CC-by-sa & literature

What are the reasons for the United States of America keeping the worldwide record on homicides and violent crimes related to guns? In Michael Moores documentary “Bowling for Columbine”, he tries to find answers to this very question, showing the audience interviews of pathetic gun fanatics and even succeeds stopping K-Mart from selling any more bullets to US citizens.


A Place at the Table: Moral conflicts surrounding hunger in America

CC-by-sa & literature

A Place at the Table is a documentary follows the lives of several did Americans as They struggle with food insecurity. The topic of starvation in the United States has been lingering since the late 1950s. However, de amount of people who go hungry or who have food insecurity (ie do not know where Their next meal will come from) has risen each year Drastically, mostly Affecting children, single parents, and the elderly. In 2012, 50 million Americans werewolf food insecure.

Unser täglich Brot

CC-by-sa & literature

Der österreichische Dokumentarfilm „Unser täglich Brot“ (2005) handelt von der Massenproduktion von Lebensmitteln. Der Regisseur ,Produzent und Kameramann Nikolaus Geyrhalter zeigt dabei mit klaren und sachlichen Aufnahmen die unverblümte Wahrheit über die Situation in Europa.

Das Besondere an diesem Film ist, dass auf der Tonebene nur mit Geräuschen gearbeitet wird. Es werden keine Interviews durchgeführt oder gesprochene Hintergrundinformationen preisgegeben. Die Bilder des Films sprechen aber auch ohne Ton für sich und somit sind Zusatzinformationen gar nicht notwendig.



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