Submitted by rasos on
Wie entwickeln ein Spiel, das Menschen animieren soll, sich mit Werten zu beschäftigen. Wir verwenden als Technologie ein Browserspiel in HTML5, das ohne Zusätze auf modernen Browsern und auf Smartphones, als Facebook App in einem iFrame oder einem iPad läuft. Leute sollen sich anmelden, damit sie Punkte sammeln können.
Game Test
RAS 23 MAY 2011
Das Spiel kann hier getestet werden: Anmeldung erforderlich.
Derzeit 3 Levels, jedes ist in einem eigenen Drupal Modul.
Game Specs
Ethify Your Buddies
Adaption of Chain Reaction Advanced JS game
Game idea: Try to convince as many friends of an ethical style of living.
Goal: With each level you can earn points.
Levels: after successfully passing level 9, you are an Ethify Guru.
Integration with Drupal:
- this is the 3rd major level of the Ethify Game (ffirst two levels are questions and cards, contact: Armin Schuchter)
- for every level, earn as many people you talk to userpoints (displayed as ethis)
- When finished and showing you are a guru, also show ethis score
Web game TO DO:
- beautify code
- adapt style to ethify grid, background colors and font, see description in Ethify Community page (if you need special icons contact: Sebastian Nagel
- do not show points, level points and total points, but display one out of the nine values at each talk
- instad of balls: use Ethify circle logo (sprite?), or even better: facebook faces-images from my FB friends
- Blog to FB wall, when Ethify Guru level reached.
- i18n
- audio effects (html5): sound? talk value?
Installation @ morgenland festival
- reverse WII?
- how to trigger activity?
- device on a big E wheel?
- feedback to room: sound, stroboscope at each touch?