
Content tagged with "Balance" (Page 2)

Communicating Sustainability in Social Media

CC-by-sa & literature


The past decade the business world has been changing it’s way when it comes to communication and social environment.

Businesses in Sustainability are companies changing their way for a healthy better environment and better policies then before. It addresses three main factors of the company’s financial, social and environmental risk. This helps business owners have a platform to understand what is best and worst for their business.


The Rise of the Creative Class

CC-by-sa & literature

Richard Florida explains the key forces that have been transforming the American economy and culture over the past several decades.

Beneath the surface, the rise of creativity as a fundamental economic force also created the rise of a new social class: The Creative Class spanning across all realms of science and technology, art and media. Artists have created an entirely new way of how we live, work, consume and extend into the rhythms, patterns and desires of our governed daily lives.


The Rise of the Creative Class

CC-by-sa & literature

Richard Florida explains the key forces that have been transforming the American economy and culture over the past several decades.

Beneath the surface, the rise of creativity as a fundamental economic force also created the rise of a new social class: The Creative Class spanning across all realms of science and technology, art and media. Artists have created an entirely new way of how we live, work, consume and extend into the rhythms, patterns and desires of our governed daily lives.


IKIGAI - the Japanese way of managing your life

Finding the purpose of your life

Ikigai (生き甲斐, pronounced [ikiɡai]) is a Japanese concept meaning "a reason for being". Everyone, according to the Japanese, has an ikigai. Finding it requires a deep and often lengthy search of self. Such a search is regarded as being very important, since it is believed that discovery of one's ikigai brings satisfaction and meaning to life.

The term ikigai is composed of two Japanese words: iki (生き?), referring to life, and kai (甲斐?), which roughly means "the realisation of what one expects and hopes for".


Von Bürger/inneninitiativen und Freihandelsabkommen

CC-by-sa & Dome

Aktuell haben 3,356.375 Millionen Europäer und Europäerinnen die Initiative gegen die Transatlantischen Freihandelsabkommen TTIP und CETA unterschrieben. Die Europäische Initiative (EBI) fordert die Europäische Union und die Mitgliedstaaten dazu auf, die TTIP-Verhandlungen mit den USA zu stoppen, sowie das Umfassende Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommen (CETA) mit Kanada nicht zu ratifizieren.



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