The Misleading Hair Dye Company Syoss
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"We can only stop the misleading cause of hair dye by buying from trusted brands"
Many people in the United States and Europe use hair dyes. It is estimated that more than one-third of women over the age of 18 use hair dye each year.
Modern hair dyes, like Syoss’ Red Velvet Hair Boost serves as a permanent (or oxidative) hair dye, which consists of chemicals called aromatic amine and dye “copies.”
And in a company press conference yesterday (23 May 2017), there are over 5,000 different chemicals being used in Syoss’ Red Velvet Hair Boost product, some of which are reported to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) in humans as well as animals. Syoss is not just the main distributor in hair maintenance products, but also the leading cause of cancer. Can Syoss truly build a new brand knowing what they’ve done, or will they fail and never see the light of employment?
Jessica Johnson, a 43-year-old doctor living New York commented, “Although some studies have linked the personal use of hair dyes with increased risks of certain cancers of the blood and bone marrow, Syoss’ Red Velvet Hair Boost is the worst of them all.” She also explained that studies of breast and bladder cancer have also produced conflicting results to customers who have used this brand.
Jessica reached out to Syoss, asking to interview them for further questioning for the health and well-being of her patients. As of now, the company has not returned any of Jessica’s calls and does not want to give a reaction to the issue at this time.
Syoss has been quoted that they are on the verge of bankruptcy. The company is waiting for the right time to withdraw their products from various big box stores around the globe. Stores like Walmart, Spar, Target and Hema are closing their doors to companies like Syoss because of sales reasons.
The public has other options than the use of chemical dyed hair products. The Outreach and Information Center of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition has further information about hair dyes and how they are regulated. For more options contact the center at 1-888-723-3366 or through its website at
Read the interview with the author of this hoax.
© Jasmine Marie