We are the 99 Percent

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Does 99% need to suffer, so the 1% can succeed? This text refers to the 1% of the population who is looking for power and have an ideal where they influence the rest of the group (99 percent) with. Especially on economic inequality this is a huge problem. With the 1 percent we mean bank CEO’s and the top of the large corporations.



CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma


We live in the age of social media. This means that lots of our conversations happen online through instant messaging, more people get their news from status updates and tweets than newspapers and we spend far too much time watching funny viral cat videos. Social media has revolutionised the way we receive and share information. Consequently the raised fist of activism has been replaced by the quick click of a Facebook like.


Our daily breakfast egg

CC-by-sa ethify.org & dilemma

Animal welfare or cruelty? – It is our decision 

I chose this topic because it is an existing dilemma situation in our daily life and we are often faced with the choice, if money or animal welfare is more important for us. It is a decision between moral and greed. The image should encourage people to reflect on their actions and lead to a rethinking.



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