Should we help the homeless people?

CC-by-sa & dilemma

I chose this topic, because, in my opinion, it is relevant. There are a lot of people who ask for alms in the whole world and this situation is not getting any better, therefore it is important to pay attention to the problems of homeless, get deeper in them and not only discuss how to solve them, but also try to do something in practice.

Claim: Often we can meet homeless people, which are asking for alms in the streets, but is it enough to give them few euros to change their life?

Save Your World!

CC-by-sa & dilemma


 Every country on the globe are using fossil energy. Less, or more. With the development of technology, the ratio can be minimized. Renewable energy sources instead of fossil energy can be promoted.  What are the types of renewable energy and fossil energy? Why is renewable energy important? What can you do as a consumer?


Save Your World!

CC-by-sa & dilemma



  Every country on the globe are using , fossil energy. Less, or more. With the development of technology, the ratio can be minimized. Renewable energy sources instead of fossil energy can be promoted.  What are the types of renewable energy and fossil energy? Why is renewable energy important? What can you do as a consumer?


escaping reality is a blast!

CC-by-sa & dilemma

Im Jahr 1989 wurde das Internet von der US-amerikanische National Science Foundation veröffentlicht. Der Grundgedanke dahinter diente zur weltweiten Kommunikation. Im Laufe der Jahre wurde es immer besser ausgebaut und es ist nun möglich zum Beispiel in wenigen Sekunden einen E-Mail ans andere Ende der Welt zu versenden. Auch die Technik wurde im Laufe der Jahre weiterentwickelt und so ist das erste Handy entstanden. Der größte Vorteil war, nicht mehr an eine Steckdose gebunden zu sein.


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