Food marketing to children: ethical issues

Each of us has definitely seen the scene in the grocery: the small kid is nag­ging, crying, and whining to get his mom to buy him some special sort of sweet products or fast food. At this moment we understand that advertising to children is big business.



As the topic „meat“ is highly discussed and gets more attention year by year it is a good chance to start an awareness campaign. It gets more important for consumers to know specificly what kind of meat they eat, where it is from and if it is moraly eatable.
Through different aspects within this topic, „Help your meat“ started to look more closely and therefore is sure this campaign supports these certain aspects.

There are certain questions to think about:

. Where does my meat come from?
. Is there enough space for the animals?

A Piece of Home


Throughout the world we can see different cultures coming together in one place, this is called cultural diversity. Inside this cultural diversity, there is one element that is very important and well known by everyone, its called food.
Food is a part of our daily life, since the morning when we wake up and have breakfast until night when we gather around the kitchen table and have dinner.


Der Rohstoff Huhn - eine Kampagne gegen die Massenhühnerhaltung

Mehr als 462 Millionen Masthühner und 55 Millionen Legehühner werden jährlich in Deutschland und Österreich geschlachtet, um den Fleischkonsum im deutschsprachigen Raum zu decken. Der Großteil der Tiere wird zu Zehntausenden zusammengepfercht in Nordreihn Westfahlens Hühnermastanlagen herangezüchtet und nach einer Lebenszeit von 28 Tagen zu verschiedenen Geflügelfleischsorten weiterverarbeitet.


Selbstversorgung - kinderleicht

Die Baumarktkette OBI startet zusammen mit dem Bundesverbund Deutscher Gartenfreunde e.V. eine neue Werbekampagne, um die Menschen davon zu überzeugen wie einfach es ist sich selber gesund zu ernähren.


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